Our work varies, and our mood can be different on different days. With the combined quiet policy, everyone can work in a way that suits them - no one disturbs anyone.
Need to stay focused?
If you need to sit in silence, there is a quiet zone where we whisper and walk on eggshells. We understand how important it can be to avoid distractions - nothing should disrupt the flow of thought.
Never ending calls?
In the meeting area, you can make calls or simply work surrounded by voices, while soundproof partitions will prevent other calls from interfering with your conversation.
We are here
Dr Ilije Đuričića 2A, Novi Sad
1st floor
Our plans
By the way, the first visit is free, even if you decide not to purchase anything
Sign up for a free visit
Virtual office
For a period of 3 months or more, everything is online — you don’t even need to come in person
— Contract for APR — Online payment — Receiving your mail — No access to the coworking space — When purchasing for a year — one month comes free of charge
3 200 din
per month
Hot desk
Packages for 5, 10 visits or unlimited, with different validity periods
— Access to all areas — Any available desk — Meeting room — Pull-up bar, drinks, snacks — More visits - lower cost (see details at our portal)
1 200 din
per day
Dedicated desk
that no one but you will sit at
The same as with a single visits, plus: — Printing/scanning — Locker - you can leave your belongings — You can keep photos of loved ones or your favorite mug on the desk - whatever you like — Virtual office free of charge